You know what? I've been neglecting this blog shamefully, so I've decided to take a break from it because life is too full to write the kind of posts I'd like know, long rambly movie reviews and so on. But my other blog, you will be pleased to know, will be fully operational. Posts will be more of the quick-update kind. Hope you all don't mind! Thanks for reading my blogs and commenting and all, I really appreciate it:) Adieu!
Saturday, 18 April 2015
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
This book looks so lovely! I've read Hayden's blog now and then, and I love the look of her book:-) Enter soon or you'll miss out! x

Thursday, 19 March 2015
I'm still here
I know, I know, I haven't posted in a while. Sincerest apologies, but, well, life, you know. Also right now I'm watching the Return of the King.
~ reading
a very interesting biography of Napoleon
~ watching
Emma Approved
Les Mis
Lord of the Rings
Dolphin Tale 2
~ writing
essays for school
TLH when I have the time
~ thinking
about writing another book
about how history repeats itself
how to do vectors without having a fit
how to do messy buns without getting terrible knots in my hair
~ wishing
that I could sing like Birdy
that i had more time for writing
that life was simpler
~ loving
singing anything and everything
my high heeled ankle boots.....
for winter
for Easter Youth camp!!
for Mockingjay part 2 to come out.....
what have you lovely people been up to?

~ reading
a very interesting biography of Napoleon
~ watching
Emma Approved
Les Mis
Lord of the Rings
Dolphin Tale 2
essays for school
TLH when I have the time
~ thinking
about writing another book
about how history repeats itself
how to do vectors without having a fit
how to do messy buns without getting terrible knots in my hair
~ wishing
that I could sing like Birdy
that i had more time for writing
that life was simpler

singing anything and everything
my high heeled ankle boots.....

for winter
for Easter Youth camp!!
for Mockingjay part 2 to come out.....
what have you lovely people been up to?
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
quote of the month
I received a letter from an amazing friend of mine the other day. It was long and scribbly and beautiful and it was so good to hear from her, I haven't seen her for ages. She encouraged me to do several things this year. Step out of my comfort zone. (I'm not known for taking risks.) Take every opportunity. Have adventures. Do you know what? I can do that because God gives me His strength. If you ask me, that's pretty awesome. Love you, C!
have fun, guys. <3
Wednesday, 4 February 2015
in which i prove that i am still alive alive, and I'll show you why I'm alive.
Well anyway, my friend Kitkat has tagged me with her own tag!! Yay:-) But first, there's a little bit of news.
My insanely wonderful sis Ems turned 15.
Guys. Guys. Guys. She got the Les Mis highlights soundtrack CD for her birthday!!!!
After all our schoolwork was done today we spent the afternoon having a karaoke party, speakers at full blast. We're idiots. But rather lovable ones, I hope:-)
News Number Two
She and I are no longer attending school. We shall be homeschooled forever.
Am I disappointed? Not too much:-)
I got a job, and I passed my exams!!
now for the tag!
- Can’t tag the person who tagged you (so no tagging me)
- You have to tag 5 random people, as long as they have blogs, or can comment on your blog (or if they’re getting a blog soon they can wait :)) and somehow let them know
- You have to link back to the person who tagged you
- You don’t have to post 5, if you don’t have that many favorite things, but the minimum is 2 and the max 10…
So the questions are these:
Top 5 Bible Verses

Can I say the whole chapter? :-)

Can I say the whole chapter? :-)

Top 5 Books


Every time I read these, I love them a little bit more:-)

Every time I read these, I love them a little bit more:-)
Top 5 Movies/movie series

Top 5 Actors/Actresses

Top 5 Quotes

Top 5 Places

Friday, 16 January 2015
the mockingjay lives
I've seen this twice now and I honestly don't think I can write a full review on it. Let me just say I loved, loved, loved it and it was horrible and depressing and amazing. I loved Cinna's design book. I loved how Katniss kept fingering the pearl Peeta gave her. I loved Effie's attempts to glamourize the District 13 clothes. I loved Gale and how he saved as many people from 12 as he could. I loved Prim's courage. I loved Haymitch and how he wore a beanie. I loved Cressida and her bizarre but pretty hairstyle. I loved how we got to see the real Finnick Odair. I loved the song, The Hanging Tree, and how we got to see the rebellion in the other districts too. I loved sitting in the theatre sobbing on my best friend's shoulder because PEETA. I don't think I stopped crying the second time we saw it. I walked out of the theatre wiping my face hoping I still looked presentable. It was so book-accurate and so many of the lines were word perfect.

Go enjoy your day and take Finnick's advice: it's better not to give in to it.....
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