I know, I know, I haven't posted in a while. Sincerest apologies, but, well, life, you know. Also right now I'm watching the Return of the King.
~ reading
a very interesting biography of Napoleon
~ watching
Emma Approved
Les Mis
Lord of the Rings
Dolphin Tale 2
~ writing
essays for school
TLH when I have the time
~ thinking
about writing another book
about how history repeats itself
how to do vectors without having a fit
how to do messy buns without getting terrible knots in my hair
~ wishing
that I could sing like Birdy
that i had more time for writing
that life was simpler
~ loving
singing anything and everything
my high heeled ankle boots.....
for winter
for Easter Youth camp!!
for Mockingjay part 2 to come out.....
what have you lovely people been up to?